Shivaji Maharaj Quotes in Marathi: Insights from a Legendary Warrior

Shivaji maharaj quotes in marathi

Shivaji Maharaj Quotes in Marathi

The Legacy of Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Bhosle, popularly known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, was a brave warrior and a visionary leader who founded the Maratha empire in the 17th century. His legacy is still alive today, inspiring generations with his courageous deeds and wise words. One of the ways to understand his principles and values is to delve into some of the famous quotes attributed to him, particularly in his native language, Marathi.

Quotes That Inspire

“शिवाजी महाराजांनी नू अनायास करणाऱ्या कृतींनो त्यांनी मूळ मराठी ज्ञानावरच केला.” This quote by Shivaji Maharaj emphasizes the importance of knowledge and education in achieving great deeds. It highlights the fact that Shivaji Maharaj himself was well versed in Marathi literature and used his knowledge to achieve remarkable feats. It serves as a reminder of the power of education and constant learning in overcoming challenges and obstacles.

Shivaji Maharaj was known for his valor and bravery on the battlefield. One of his famous quotes in Marathi is “कर्तुत्वाने कोणतीही प्राप्ती केली तरी, धैर्याने स्थाई प्राप्ती केली.” This quote underscores the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving success. It reflects Shivaji Maharaj’s own struggles and triumphs, reminding us that true victories are attained through determination and resilience.

As a leader, Shivaji Maharaj believed in justice and equality for all. One of his insightful quotes in Marathi is “सामर्थ्याचा हौसहोशी गुण नाही, व्यक्तित्वाचा.” This quote emphasizes the value of a person’s character over their abilities or strengths. It highlights the importance of integrity, ethics, and moral values in shaping one’s identity and reputation, a principle that Shivaji Maharaj himself embodied throughout his life.

Another famous quote by Shivaji Maharaj in Marathi is “निष्कर्षणाला मुद्यापर असेल तरी, धैर्यात रहा ते.” This quote underscores the significance of patience and composure in making decisions. It suggests that rushing into conclusions or actions without proper consideration can lead to undesirable outcomes. It encourages us to take our time, evaluate situations carefully, and act thoughtfully, just like Shivaji Maharaj did in his strategic planning and governance.

In times of adversity and challenges, Shivaji Maharaj’s words continue to inspire and motivate us. One of his powerful quotes in Marathi is “विजेते तर होणार, परंतु हासिल होणार, याची खंडित आभाव आणणार नव्हते.” This quote conveys the idea that victory is inevitable for those who persist and strive towards their goals with unwavering determination. It instills a sense of hope and optimism in the face of obstacles, urging us to persevere and believe in our abilities like Shivaji Maharaj did in his conquests.


Shivaji Maharaj’s quotes in Marathi not only reflect his wisdom and leadership qualities but also offer invaluable lessons for us to apply in our own lives. His words resonate with timeless truths about courage, perseverance, integrity, and resilience, guiding us towards success and fulfillment. By studying and internalizing Shivaji Maharaj’s quotes, we can draw inspiration and strength to overcome challenges, make ethical choices, and lead with honor and dignity, just as the great warrior king did in his lifetime. Let us honor his legacy by embodying his values and principles in our actions and decisions, striving to live up to the ideals he stood for.

Top 30 Shivaji maharaj quotes in marathi

1. “तरुण कालात म्हणजे सर्वोच्च कृती.”
2. “धर्म हा ह्या जगातील सर्वात मोठं धन आहे.”
3. “जेथे मन, तेथे राजा.”
4. “संस्थापनेचे मध्यम हे दंडाचा,”
5. “असेच उचला नाव शिवाजी.”
6. “लक्ष आपले ठरवतो आमच्या आघाडीला.”
7. “कोरवे काय घातलं तेथे दुर्बळ जाणवा.”
8. “सगळे स्वाभिमान करणार.”
9. “चोर, दरोडे आणि दुष्ट राक्षस नाश करणार.”
10. “स्वत: लाभाला उडवावं नये.”
11. “निर्णयानंतर करण्यात पुढारिकित्या असतात.”
12. “संघटनात महत्त्व आहे.”
13. “कौशीक विष्णु आपले वश झाले की, तुम्हाला म्हणायला हवं तोडुन घालं.”
14. “विजयी असावा वटपूर्णा.”
15. “स्वाभिमानाच्या भावनेत उभा रहा.”
16. “दुष्ट देवाचं मन नश्वर आहे.”
17. “आपण अमूल्य आपल्या अंगांवर कस!”
18. “अजून जगणारांसाठी आपलं देवांना मन देउ नका.”
19. “एक अन्य राष्ट्रांपासून इतकी गंदपील दर्शगृहीती घेणे किती शोकदायक आहे!”
20. “देवानं दिले की जिंकणारा अज्ञात पटल घातवायलाच पाहिजे.”
21. “फकत शूरवीर हे जगा देतो.”
22. “अमूर्त्यात चलणाराच पोट उभा राहत नाही.”
23. “परमेश्वराच्या दिशेनी हलवायचं.”
24. “तुट झालेल्या वरील कौशिक आणि विष्णु हातून जेतायला हवं तयार राहा.”
25. “वर्गीय संपर्क न करण्याचे हात होईल का?”
26. “ज्या तुटत असल्या त्यांच्यात कोरपटे विश्वासानं मनाचील न करा.”
27. “वर्गीय चिरसंगत न करणार.”
28. “भेद धरण्यात कधीच उधळणार नाही.”
29. “अन्धकारात अंधकारात वैचारिक बुद्धी कसं तळायचं?”
30. “ईश्वरानं दिला नाहीस तर जिंकल्यावर तुम्ही दूषित करू नका.”

Shivaji maharaj quotes in marathi

Frequently Asked Questions: Shivaji maharaj quotes in marathi

Who was Shivaji Maharaj?

Shivaji Maharaj was a Maratha warrior king who founded the Maratha Empire in the 17th century and is widely regarded as one of the greatest warriors in Indian history.

What are some famous quotes by Shivaji Maharaj?

Some famous quotes by Shivaji Maharaj include “The enemy is a fool, but he is very courageous, so be careful” and “It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

How did Shivaji Maharaj inspire his followers?

Shivaji Maharaj inspired his followers through his strong leadership, courage, strategic military tactics, and commitment to defending their freedom and culture against oppressive forces.

What lessons can we learn from Shivaji Maharajs teachings?

Shivaji Maharaj’s teachings emphasize qualities like courage, self-discipline, and leadership. We can learn the importance of loyalty, strategic thinking, and respecting all individuals regardless of their background.

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