Girls Quotes in Hindi: Empowering Words for Every Woman

Girls quotes in hindi

Girls quotes in Hindi

The beauty of Hindi quotes

Hindi is a beautiful language that is filled with expressive and poetic words. When it comes to quotes about girls in Hindi, there is a unique charm and elegance that is hard to find in any other language. Whether it’s about love, strength, or empowerment, Hindi quotes have a way of touching the heart and soul in a way that no other language can.

One of the most famous quotes about girls in Hindi is “लड़कियाँ मूठी नहीं, आँखें बोलती हैं।” This translates to “Girls don’t speak with their fists, they speak with their eyes.” This quote beautifully captures the power of a girl’s gaze and the unspoken language that lies within it.

Another popular Hindi quote about girls is “लड़की वो है जो धूप में भी एविदं खिल उठती है।” This translates to “A girl is like a lotus that blooms even in the scorching sun.” This quote symbolizes the resilience and grace that girls possess, no matter the circumstances they may face.

The impact of Hindi quotes on girls

Hindi quotes have a special way of resonating with girls and women alike. They have the power to inspire, motivate, and uplift spirits in a way that is truly magical. When a girl reads a Hindi quote that speaks to her heart, it can be a reminder of her inner strength, beauty, and worth.

Many girls find comfort and solace in Hindi quotes during difficult times. Whether they are facing challenges in their personal lives or struggling with self-doubt, a powerful Hindi quote can act as a beacon of light, guiding them through the darkness. It’s amazing how a few words in Hindi can have such a profound impact on a girl’s mindset and outlook on life.

It’s no wonder that Hindi quotes about girls are so popular on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Girls love to share these quotes with their friends and followers, spreading positivity and empowerment wherever they go. The simplicity and beauty of Hindi quotes make them the perfect go-to source for daily inspiration and motivation.

Top 30 Girls quotes in hindi

1. “मैं वह लड़की हूँ जिसे खुद पर गर्व है।” – “I am that girl who is proud of herself.”
2. “मेरे ख्वाबों को लड़कियों की ख्वाहिशों से बड़ी जुर्मानत मिली है।” – “My dreams have been fined more than girls’ desires.”
3. “सबल और सशक्त लड़कियाँ, अब किसी को अपनी कमजोरी से डर नहीं लगता।” – “Strong and powerful girls, no one is afraid of their weakness anymore.”
4. “लड़कियों का सपना उन्हें आगे बढ़ने के लिए मजबूत बनाता है।” – “Girls’ dreams make them strong to move forward.”
5. “दास्ताने तो वक्त सुनाता है, लेकिन जिद सिर्फ लड़की कर सकती है।” – “Time tells stories, but only a girl can be stubborn.”
6. “हद से ज्यादा खुद पर भरोसा रहे तो उस लड़की के बारे में कोई कुछ नहीं कह सकता।” – “If a girl has more confidence in herself than limits, then no one can say anything about her.”
7. “लड़कियों के जिद के सामने हर कोई फीका पड़ जाता है।” – “Everyone seems inferior in front of girls’ stubbornness.”
8. “वो लड़कियाँ अपने सपनों के पीछे भागती हैं, जिन्हें ज़िन्दगी से डर नहीं होता।” – “Girls who run behind their dreams, are not afraid of life.”
9. “जो लड़कियाँ झुकती हैं, वे जमीं भी नहीं पगारती।” – “Those girls who bow down, do not even touch the ground.”
10. “उड़ान भरें ये लड़कियाँ अपनी मंज़िल की खोज में।” – “These girls fly in search of their destination.”
11. “लड़कियों की ताकत की कोई सीमा नहीं होती।” – “There is no limit to the strength of girls.”
12. “सोने में चान्दी छिपा होती है, वैसे ही लड़कियों में कोई नकारात्मकता छुपी होती है।” – “There is negativity hidden in girls like silver in gold.”
13. “लड़कियाँ वो हैं जो अपनी उड़ान खुद ढूंढती हैं।” – “Girls are the ones who find their own wings.”
14. “कोई भी लक्ष्य अधूरा नहीं छोड़ती जो एक लड़की निश्चित कर लेती है।” – “Any goal that a girl sets never leaves incomplete.”
15. “लड़कियों की हर हंसी में एक नया जलवा छुपा होता है।” – “Every smile of girls hides a new charm.”
16. “लड़कियाँ आज भी सबसे आजाद हैं, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी आजादी स्वयं चुनी है।” – “Girls are still the most free because they have chosen their freedom themselves.”
17. “लड़कियों की आवाज को कितनी चिंता करोगे, जब उन्होंने खुद सर पकड़ा है।” – “How much will you worry about girls’ voices, when they have held their head themselves.”
18. “हर महिला में एक दुर्गा होती है, जो अपनी रक्षा स्वयं करती है।” – “Every woman has a Durga in her, who protects herself.”
19. “लड़कियाँ होती हैं वो फूल, जो हर हाल में अपना खिलने का रास्ता बनाती हैं।” – “Girls are like flowers that create a path to bloom in every situation.”
20. “जिस लड़की को दुख से डर नहीं, उसे अब जिंदगी से कौन डराएगा।” – “The girl who is not afraid of sorrow, who will scare her away from life now.”
21. “लड़कियों की कदर की तुम्हे तब होगी, जब उन्हें खुद कदर होगी।” – “You will value girls when they themselves will be valued.”
22. “लड़कियाँ एक साथ खड़ी होकर दुनिया का सामना कर सकती है।” – “Girls can face the world by standing together.”
23. “दुनिया लड़कियों को दिखाने में मजबूर है, जब उन्हें समझने का वक्त आएगा, तब ये दुनिया बदलेगी।” – “The world is forced to show girls, when the time comes to understand them, then this world will change.”
24. “लड़कियाँ होती हैं वो शानदार चीज़, जो किसी के भी इरादे को कुचल सकती हैं।” – “Girls are that wonderful thing, which can crush anyone’s intentions.”
25. “लड़कियों का दिल जैसे अराम से टूट जाए, वैसे ही दुनिया में हड्डियाँ हिल जाएं।” – “As easily as girls’ hearts break, bones shake in the world.”
26. “लड़कियों के अंदर की क्षमता को तुम कभी नहीं समझ सकोगे, क्या जरुरत है किसी को इसे समझाने की।” – “You will never understand the ability inside girls, what is the need to explain it to anyone.”
27. “आज अगर दुनिया में कुछ नजर आ रहा है, तो वो हम लड़कियाँ हूँ।” – “If something is visible in the world today, it is us girls.”
28. “लड़कियाँ होती हैं हमेशा हिसाब लेने वाली, इनसे दोगुनी हिसाब मांगिये तो पछताएंगे।” – “Girls are always calculative, if you ask them for double calculation, you will regret.”
29. “जब लड़की अपने सपने की चाह में डूबती है, तो उसकी नजरें भी ऊपर ही होती है।” – “When a girl drowns in the desire of her dreams, her eyes are also upwards.”
30. “लड़कि होने का मतलब है, खुद को समर्पित करना।” – “Being a girl means dedicating oneself.”

Girls quotes in hindi

Frequently Asked Questions: Girls quotes in hindi

What are some empowering quotes for girls in Hindi?

“अब जो करना है, वो तुम्हारे हाथ में है।” (Now, what you have to do is in your hands.) “वह लड़की तो चांद की तारीक लगती है।” (That girl looks like a star of the moon.)

How can these quotes inspire and uplift women?

Quotes have the power to encourage women by reminding them of their strength, resilience, and worth. They can provide motivation, empowerment, and a sense of solidarity.

Where can I find powerful words for women in Hindi?

You can find powerful words for women in Hindi by searching online, reading feminist literature in Hindi, or looking for inspirational quotes by Indian women leaders.

Why are uplifting quotes important for girls in Hindi?

Uplifting quotes in Hindi help girls stay motivated, inspired, and confident in the face of challenges. These quotes provide encouragement and positive reminders that can boost self-esteem.

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