Shri Krishna Quotes in Hindi: Inspiring Words to Enlighten Your Soul

Shri krishna quotes in hindi

Shri Krishna Quotes in Hindi

Teachings of Lord Krishna in Hindi

One of the most revered and beloved figures in Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of people around the world. His teachings, found in the ancient scripture of the Bhagavad Gita, are considered timeless and relevant even in today’s modern world. Many people find solace and inspiration in the words of Lord Krishna, often seeking out his quotes in Hindi to better understand his message.

Wisdom in Every Word

Lord Krishna’s quotes in Hindi are filled with wisdom and insight that can help guide us through life’s ups and downs. Whether you are facing challenges at work, in your relationships, or within yourself, the teachings of Lord Krishna can provide you with the strength and clarity you need to navigate through difficult times. His words resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds, offering a sense of peace and comfort in times of turmoil.

Lord Krishna’s teachings emphasize the importance of truth, righteousness, and devotion to God. He encourages us to act selflessly, to perform our duties without attachment to the results, and to surrender ourselves completely to the divine will. Through his quotes in Hindi, Lord Krishna teaches us to let go of our ego, to embrace love and compassion, and to strive for self-improvement in all aspects of our lives.

One of the most famous quotes attributed to Lord Krishna is “कर्म का फल चिंतन करते क्यों हो, कर्तव्य करो फल की इच्छा किए बिना” which translates to “Why worry about the results of your actions? Just focus on doing your duty without any attachment to the outcome.” This powerful message reminds us to focus on the present moment, to do our best without being consumed by worries about the future.

Lord Krishna’s quotes in Hindi are not only insightful and profound but also poetic and beautiful. His words have a certain lyrical quality to them that resonates with the soul and touches the heart. Whether you are reciting his verses in a devotional setting or reflecting on them in solitude, the beauty of Lord Krishna’s words is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and mind.

In times of doubt and confusion, turning to the teachings of Lord Krishna can provide us with the clarity and guidance we need to make the right decisions. His quotes in Hindi serve as a beacon of light in the darkness, illuminating the path ahead and helping us find our way through life’s challenges. By embracing the wisdom of Lord Krishna, we can cultivate inner peace, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Lord Krishna’s teachings have transcended time and space, inspiring countless generations to live a life of purpose, integrity, and devotion. His quotes in Hindi continue to be shared and cherished by millions of people around the world, offering comfort, solace, and spiritual nourishment to all who seek them. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, the timeless wisdom of Lord Krishna remains a source of hope and inspiration for humanity.

Top 30 Shri krishna quotes in hindi

1. “कर्म का फल भगवान की दया से मिलता है।”
2. “भाग्य के बिना कोई भी कार्य सफल नहीं होता।”
3. “जो अपने कर्म में लिप्त होता है, वह सदैव सुखी रहता है।”
4. “लोगों की बुराई में कोई भी लिप्त नहीं होना चाहिए।”
5. “समय का महत्व समझना बहुत जरूरी है।”
6. “जो भी हो रहा है, अच्छा हो रहा है।”
7. “भलाई करने वाले को भलाई कभी नहीं परेशान करती।”
8. “जो उत्साहित, समर्थ और निष्ठावान है, वही सच्चा भक्त है।”
9. “आत्मा में अर्पण करने वाले को कभी अकेलापन महसूस नहीं होता।”
10. “आत्मा को भला-बुरा कर्मों में फंसाने से बचना चाहिए।”
11. “कोई भी व्यक्ति अपने कर्मों का फल चुका रहा है।”
12. “जो भी हो रहा है, उसमें भगवान की इच्छा होती है।”
13. “कर्म करते रहिए, फल की चिंता मत कीजिए।”
14. “भगवान के भक्त के मन को कोई भी बाधित नहीं कर सकता।”
15. “भक्ति की शक्ति सब कुछ संभव बना सकती है।”
16. “जो भगवान में विश्वास रखता है, उसका कभी हार नहीं होता।”
17. “प्रेम क्या है? हमारा साथ देना।”
18. “आत्मा को शांति कैसे मिलेगी? भगवान में श्रद्धा रखकर।”
19. “जो भगवान को ध्यान में लेता है, उसका जीवन सफल होता है।”
20. “जो कुछ भी है, उसके पीछे भगवान की इच्छा होती है।”
21. “सच्चे प्रेम का अर्थ है समर्पण।”
22. “ज्ञान से उससे अधिक बढ़कर कोई धर्म नहीं है।”
23. “आत्मा की शुद्धि केवल प्रेम में है।”
24. “सच्चे प्रेम का जरा सा भी झूठा होना संभव नहीं है।”
25. “जो भगवान की आराधना करता है, उसका जीवन सुखमय होता है।”
26. “जो किसी की भलाई करता है, वह भगवान का प्रिय होता है।”
27. “पूर्वकर्मों के अनुसार हमें अनुभव करना चाहिए।”
28. “भगवान को महसूस करने के लिए सबसे उत्तम तरीका सेवा है।”
29. “आत्मा को मुक्त करने का रास्ता सच्चे प्रेम से ही मिलता है।”
30. “विस्‍तारव्रदों से भक्ति पाने का सबसे अच्‍छा तरीका है भगवान में विश्‍वास रखना।”

Shri krishna quotes in hindi

Frequently Asked Questions: Shri krishna quotes in hindi

What are some inspiring Shri Krishna quotes in Hindi?

कुछ प्रेरणादायक श्री कृष्णा के उद्धरण हैं: “कर्म करो, फल का चिंतन मत करो,” “जो कुछ भी होता है, अच्छे के लिए होता है,” और “भगवान केवल भक्त के साथ होते हैं।”

How can Shri Krishnas words enlighten our soul?

Shri Krishna’s teachings in the Bhagavad Gita can enlighten our soul by guiding us towards self-realization, helping us find inner peace, and leading us on the path to spiritual growth.

Where can I find Shri Krishna quotes in Hindi?

You can find Shri Krishna quotes in Hindi in religious books such as the Bhagavad Gita, online websites dedicated to Hindu scriptures, or by searching on social media platforms.

Why are Shri Krishnas words considered inspirational and enlightening?

Shri Krishna’s words are considered inspirational and enlightening because they offer profound wisdom and guidance for leading a purposeful and virtuous life, promoting spiritual growth and self-realization.

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